Panama: Birds & Butterflies

  • Next tour dates OPEN 
  • Duration 10 days
  • Lodging 3-4 stars
  • Difficulty Easy to Moderate
  • Group size Max. 8 people
  • Price USD $TBD per person*

Panama is well-known as a top destination for birding in the Americas. With over 1,000 species recorded in the small country, the possibilities for finding birds is seemingly endless. With a great variety of habitats from coastal lowlands, river courses, and foothill plains to high elevation cloud forest and volcanos, Panama supports great biological diversity. In addition to birds, Panama is home to over 1,800 species of butterflies. In fact, one of the meanings of the word Panama is “abundance of butterflies.”

Birds and butterflies complement each other perfectly in their preferred times of activity. While birds in the lowlands are most active at dawn and dusk, butterflies show their bright colors during the middle of the day when it is hot and sunny. Both birds and butterflies are active all day long in the foothills and highlands.

As a great introduction to the birds and butterflies of Panama, we will enjoy great sightings of many winged things, from some spectacular birds to amazing butterflies and other insects. Rufescent Tiger-HeronPurple-throated FruitcrowLong-tailed Silky-FlycatcherBlack-faced SolitaireCinnamon Woodpecker, are some of Panama’s most notable birds. We hope to see Zebra-striped HairstreakDeep-blue Eyed-MetalmarkCloud Forest King and Great White Longtail. During our Panama birds and butterflies tour, we will advantageously look for both birds and butterflies, and anything else that may pop up along the way!

Spotted Antbird Panama Whitehawk Birding Day Trip
Spotted Antbird


Welcome to Panama! Our Panama Birds and Butterflies tour begins by a short transfer from Tocumen International Airport to your hotel. This afternoon we will spend some time exploring the grounds of the hotel in search of some of Panama’s common birds. Collared AracariKeel-billed ToucanBlue-gray and Palm tanagersRufous-tailed HummingbirdWattled JacanaSouthern Lapwing and Bat Falcon are some species we may see. We will be introduced to some of the local butterflies as they forage around bushes and grassy areas. Banded PeacockWhite PeacockTropical BuckeyeTropical Checkered-SkipperMimosa Skipper and Variable Cracker are common here. Our first day will conclude with a delicious dinner.


Today we head out early for an exciting day exploring the world-famous Pipeline Road located in Soberania National Park. As we walk the gravel road through lowland rainforest, we will watch for some of the 400+ species of birds that have been recorded here. Some key species are Slaty-tailed TrogonBlack-crowned AntshrikeBlack-bellied WrenBlack-capped Pygmy-TyrantGolden-collared ManakinPurple-throated FruitcrowSemiplumbeous Hawk and White-whiskered Puffbird.

Butterfly possibilities will seem endless here. Common and Menelaus morphos are a common sight along the road. Thoas SwallowtailMexican SailorStarry CrackerGreat White LongtailTwo-eyed Eighty-EightHecale Longwing and Many-banded Daggerwing are also common here. At the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center, nectar feeders attract Crowned WoodnymphWhite-necked JacobinViolet-bellied Hummingbird and Long-billed Hermit. An observation tower brings us up above the treetops where we will scan for Blue CotingaYellow-throated Toucan and King Vulture.

Common Morpho Panama Nature Tour Whitehawk
Common Morpho


Our early departure this morning will have us arriving in Cerro Azul just after dawn. This foothills region east of Panama City is home to some special birds including the endemic Stripe-cheeked WoodpeckerYellow-eared ToucanetRufous-winged and Speckled tanagersBlack-eared Wood-Quail. It is particularly great for hummingbirds such as Violet-capped HummingbirdBronze-tailed Plumeleteer and if lucky, Rufous-crested Coquette! We continue through the day visiting trails and quiet roadsides in search of birds and butterflies. Butterflies are abundant here. Some of the more notable ones are Spying Eyed-MetalmarkScarce MorphoRusted Clearwing-Satyr, and Six-spotted Eighty-Eight. Cerro Azul also offers us some beautiful scenery, sweeping vistas and tropical forests of Chagres National Park.


Metropolitan Park on the western side of Panama City is a natural paradise. Our morning walk here will take us through Pacific dry forest in search of flycatchers, motmots, trogons, wrens, tanagers and some very beautiful and unique butterflies. Black-throated TrogonWhooping MotmotDusky AntbirdRufous-and-white WrenLance-tailed ManakinCrimson-crested Woodpecker and Yellow-green Tyrannulet(endemic) are just a few of the common birds we see here. Notable butterflies include Stigma SkipperWidespread Peacock-SkipperCarousing Anteros (Jewelmark)Red CrackerZiba Scrub-Hairstreakand Yellow Metalmark.

After lunch, we will head over to the nearby Summit Ponds and Old Gamboa Road. At the ponds, Boat-billed Herons nest along the vegetated edges and Lesser Kiskadees skim the pond. Up to 5 species of kingfishers, including American Pygmy Kingfisher, can be found. Further down the road, we will look and listen for Rosy Thrush-TanagerJet AntbirdWhite-bellied AntbirdLaughing Falcon and Yellow-billed CaciqueTiger BeautyLucianus Metalmark and Giant Owl-Butterflies may also catch our eyes!


This morning our Panama Birds & Butterflies tour continues as we hop a short flight to Chiriqui. Arriving in Boquete by late morning, we will have some time to explore the grounds of the hotel before lunch. This picturesque mountain town is a nature lover’s paradise – birds and butterflies are everywhere! Rufous-collared SparrowSilver-throated TanagerFlame-colored Tanager and Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush greet us at these higher elevations. A suite of flashy hummingbirds and colorful butterflies flutter around the gardens.

After lunch, we will head to the Culebra Trail, where some avian specialties of the region can be found. Prong-billed BarbetSilvery-fronted Tapaculo and the spectacular Fiery-throated Hummingbird are highlights of this area. These forests are a good place to find several species of clearwing butterflies, as well as Cloud Forest Mimic-WhiteChestnut Crescent and Cream-spotted Tigerwing.


After a delicious breakfast we will head over to the property of Finca Lerida. We will spend the morning exploring the grounds and trails of this Boquete landmark. Hummingbirds are abundant here, and Purple-throated Mountain-gemViolet SabrewingLesser Violetear and Scintillant Hummingbird are all common. White-naped BrushfinchSlate-throated RedstartSlaty Flowerpiercer and Scarlet-thighed Dacnis are just some of the birds we will likely encounter this morning.

As the morning runs its course, White-spotted ClearwingRusty-tipped Page and the exquisite Cloud Forest King will warm up their wings, among dozens of other species of butterflies. Our day continues after lunch at the Pipeline Trail. Here we continue to enjoy the exquisite wildlife of the area. At an even higher elevation, we hope to see Black GuanLong-tailed Silky-Flycatcher and even a Resplendent Quetzal, if lucky!

Volcano Hummingbird spotted in Quetzal trail - Cerro Punta - Panama
Volcano Hummingbird


The famous Los Quetzales Trail traverses through the upper cloud forest of Volcan Baru National Park. Resplendent Quetzals can be seen here with relative ease. Birdlife is abundant at the western trailhead. Brown-capped VireoSooty-headed ChlorospingusVolcano HummingbirdBlack-faced Solitaire and Flame-throated Warbler are just a few of the specialties we can find here. Banded Owl-Butterfly can be found resting low on tree trunks, Orange-banded Daggerwing and Mountain Whiteare some of the notable butterflies to look for.

This afternoon at Volcan Lakes, we will find a splendid combination of lowland and highland species. White-winged TanagerCollared TrogonSpotted Wood-QuailBran-colored FlycatcherChestnut-collared SwiftMorelet’s Seedeater and many more. We will keep our eye open for butterflies along the road, Astala Eighty-Eight is a particularly beautiful species to watch for here. Today will be a highlight of our Panama Birds and Butterflies Tour!

Astala Eighty-Eight Diaethria astala Panama
Astala Eighty-Eight


Today we head out early to take in the amazing birds of the Fortuna Forest Reserve. We will search forest edges for Black-bellied HummingbirdWhite-throated Mountain-gemGolden-bellied FlycatcherCrimson-collared Tanager and White-crowned Manakin. In dense forest we will listen for Thicket Antpitta and Buff-fronted Quail-Dove. By rivers and waterfalls, we will watch for American DipperTorrent Tyrannulet and Azure-hooded Jay. We will also keep our eyes open for butterflies. White MetalmarkGaudy CheckerspotBlack-bellied Anteros (Jewelmark) and the stunning Typhla Satyr are specialties of this area.


On our final full day, we will spend the better part of the day at Paraiso de Boqueron. This is a beautiful private property situated in the foothills area of far western Chiriqui. Early in the day, Fiery-billed Aracaris come in to feed at the numerous platform feeders. Orange-collared ManakinBlack-hooded AntshrikeCosta Rican BrushfinchRuddy Foliage-gleaner and Bran-colored Flycatcher can be found at forest edge. Hummingbirds are abundant, and we will easily see several species visiting the feeders. Long-billed StarthroatBrown VioletearScaly-breastedSnowy-bellied, and Charming hummingbirds are regular visitors. Other highlights include Speckled TanagerSpot-crowned Euphonia and Yellow-bellied Siskin. There are enough birds and butterflies to keep us busy here all morning!

This afternoon, back in Boquete, we are free to return to local trails to look for birds still to be seen. Or spend our last afternoon relaxing around the beautiful hotel grounds. We will enjoy a final dinner together and recap our favorite birds, butterflies and memories of the tour.


This morning after breakfast we will check out of our hotel and return to Panama City via a short flight. Our Panama Birds and Butterflies tour concludes in Panama City.


  • Black Guan
  • Rufous-crested Coquette
  • Talamanca Hummingbird
  • Fiery-throated Hummingbird
  • Purple-throated Mountain-gem
  • Volcano Hummingbird
  • Black-bellied Hummingbird
  • Wattled Jacana
  • Rufescent Tiger-Heron
  • Collared Trogon
  • Resplendent Quetzal
  • American Pygmy Kingfisher
  • White-whiskered Puffbird
  • Red-headed Barbet
  • Fiery-billed Aracari
  • Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker (endemic)
  • Barred Forest-Falcon
  • Black-hooded Antshrike
  • Bicolored Antbird
  • Buffy Tuftedcheek
  • Red-capped Manakin
  • Purple-throated Fruitcrow
  • Three-wattled Bellbird
  • Torrent Tyrannulet
  • Lesser Kiskadee
  • Yellowish Flycatcher
  • Green Shrike-Vireo
  • Yellow-winged Vireo
  • Azure-hooded Jay
  • Blue-and-white Swallow
  • Song Wren
  • Black-faced Solitaire
  • Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush
  • Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher
  • Golden-browed Chlorophonia
  • Rosy Thrush-Tanager
  • Yellow-thighed Finch
  • Costa Rican Brushfinch
  • Yellow-backed Oriole
  • Collared Redstart
  • Emerald Tanager
  • Crimson-collared Tanager
  • Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
  • Ruddy-breasted Seedeater


  • Polydamas Swallowtail
  • Emerald-patched Cattleheart
  • Cloud-forest Mimic-White
  • Clearwinged Mimic-White
  • Mountain White
  • Tailed Orange
  • Sky-blue Hairstreak
  • Zebra-striped Hairstreak
  • White Metalmark
  • Deep-blue Eyed-Metalmark
  • Great Eurybia
  • Pixie
  • Stoll’s Sarota/Common Jewelmark
  • Cloud Forest King
  • Tiger Mimic-Queen
  • Banded Tigerwing
  • Five-spotted Longwing
  • Cydno Longwing
  • Whitened Crescent
  • Orion Cecropian
  • Rusty-tipped Page
  • Malachite
  • Orange Mapwing
  • Waiter Daggerwing
  • Two-eyed Eighty-Eight
  • Mexican Sailor
  • Cloud-forest Banner/Catone
  • Red Cracker
  • Common Morpho
  • Banded Owl-Butterfly
  • Pink-tipped Satyr
  • Typhla Satyr
  • Blue Scarlet-eye
  • Great Sicklewing
  • Glorious Blue-Skipper
  • Stigma Skipper
  • Widespread Peacock-Skipper


Guide: Jenn Sinasac
Single Supplement: US$685
Lodging: Comfortable hotels and inns with private bathrooms, restaurants, and beautiful grounds
Food: Quality, fresh, local ingredients prepared in Panamanian and International styles
Weather: Warm and humid in the lowlands; cool and humid in the highlands, can be especially cool at night. Rain can be expected.
Difficulty: Easy to moderate. Most birding will be along open roads (paved and gravel) and forest edge, some with undulating hills.

*For more information on what is included/not included, as well as our booking and cancellation policies, please review our Terms & Conditions.

* Pricing based on group of 4 people. With smaller groups, an additional fee will be charged.


From our blog:
Panama Birds & Butterflies: A New Nature Tour