Whitehawk Newsletter Winter 2016
Into the Realm of the Harpy Eagle
Birds of prey are captivating creatures and in the tropics, the Harpy Eagle is probably one of the most fascinating ones. Collectively, Whitehawk founders have more than 25 years of experiences working for Harpy Eagle conservation in Panama and other countries of Central America. From tracking released birds in the forests of Belize to studying wild pairs in Darien National Park, these experiences have enriched our lives and we would like to share part of this with you. We are organizing a tour to Darien, Panama, the last stronghold for Harpy Eagles in Central America.
Our trip will focus on many of the Darien specialties such as Gray-cheeked Nunlet, Dusky-backed Jacamar, Spot-breasted Woodpecker, Red-throated Caracara. If we are lucky we might have a chance to observe the majestic Harpy Eagle in its native habitat. In recent years, researchers and locals have located active nests in the region, which provide a good chance to see this mighty eagle in the wild.
Birding and Wildlife Photography in Belize
In December we completed an amazing 10-day custom tour to Belize. Our fantastic guides helped our clients see and photograph more than 225 species of birds, including 26 species of raptors such as Orange-breasted Falcon, King Vulture, Laughing Falcon, Ornate Hawk-Eagle, and Aplomado Falcon. In addition, they saw and photographed other interesting species such as Yellow-headed Parrot, Caribbean Elaenia, Rose-throated Becard and Yucatan Jay. One of the highlights of the trip was a boat ride along the Macal River where Scarlet Macaws flew overhead, and Morelet’s Crocodiles sunbathed on the muddy banks.
Belize is one of our top destinations which offers excellent opportunities for birding, photography, snorkeling and the exploration of ancient Mayan ruins. If you are interested in organizing a similar trip for a group of friends or family, please contact us and we will be happy to work with you.
A new destination for Whitehawk: Costa Rica
We are happy to announce that we will be adding a new tour destination in Central America in 2016 – Costa Rica. It is currently one of the best known countries for nature enthusiasts and ecotourism. It is a particularly important destination for birders as it boasts a list of over 900 species of birds, most of which can be found in relatively accessible areas. The truth is that Costa Rica has a lot to offer to both beginner and expert birders as well as nature photographers. One could spend a lifetime in Costa Rica and always find something new.
Our Costa Rica tour has been organized in order to cover the widest variety of habitats and the most charismatic species. With highly recognized local guides and Whitehawk’s known attention to detail, we are sure that everyone will treasure this experience. The cloud forests, grasslands, mangroves and tropical forests are a few of the landscapes we will visit. We will search for amazing birds such as the Resplendent Quetzal, which we may observe feeding in wild avocado trees. We hope to see Black Guan, climbing on the moss and dripping epiphytes. Perhaps we can encounter a Black-and-white Owl calling near our lodge. And we will seek out the Mangrove Hummingbird – an endemic found along the Pacific Coast.
Contact us for more information or visit our website for the latest news about this amazing tour.