Category: Birding Curiosities

  • Birding Safari: A Birder’s Approach to a Tiger Safari

    Birding Safari: A Birder’s Approach to a Tiger Safari

    As a birder you might ask yourself: would a tiger safari be a good experience for me? I would answer with a resounding “Yes!”. However, as birders planning to go on a tiger safari, we should prepare in advance for a very different experience. We will need to make some adjustments to our birding strategy.…

  • What is Bird Migration?

    What is Bird Migration?

    It’s that time of year again! Around the world, birds are preparing for their migration from their overwintering grounds to their breeding grounds. But let’s take a deeper look at these bird movements. What is bird migration? Bird migration is the regular seasonal movement of birds. We may recognize that birds are migrating when bird…

  • What do Harpy Eagles Eat?

    What do Harpy Eagles Eat?

    It seems reasonable to assume that a bird measuring 3 feet tall from beak to tail, and has a 6-foot wingspan, legs the size of a human’s wrist, and talons the size of grizzly bear claws eats just about anything it wants to. And that is true, within reason, of course. Biologists throughout the Harpy…

  • Birds in Colombia: One-fifth of the World’s Birds

    Birds in Colombia: One-fifth of the World’s Birds

    Colombia is one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the world. This is due in part to the exceptionally high number of birds. Actually, Colombia holds about 10% of global biodiversity. It boasts the highest number of orchids, and the second in the number of plants, amphibians, butterflies, and freshwater fish. The richness of birds…

  • Great Curassow: A Neotropical Specialty

    Great Curassow: A Neotropical Specialty

    Walking through the lowland rainforests of Central America, you hear a rustling off-trail along the forest floor. Scanning the dense foliage of the understory, you catch a glimpse of a large, turkey-like bird. It is glossy black all over with a bright yellow knob above the bill and a perfectly curled crest as if it…

  • The City of Antpittas

    The City of Antpittas

    Perhaps the simplest and most humorous description of antpittas is that they look like ‘eggs with legs.’ This description might also remind you of Sheldon, Garfield the Cat’s friend, or Humpty Dumpty of “Through the Looking-Glass.” In fact, Humpty Dumpty’s name in Spanish is Zanco Panco. Zanco refers to his long legs, as does the…

  • Hummingbird Migration: A Marvel of Nature

    Hummingbird Migration: A Marvel of Nature

    Hummingbirds are some of nature’s most amazing creatures. They are among the smallest birds in the world. Iridescent colors on their crowns, gorgets, and backs call our attention as they glitter in the sun. Furthermore, they have many fascinating adaptations and behaviors, even some that are seemingly impossible for such tiny birds. A majority of…

  • Finding a Harpy Eagle: An Adventurous Excursion

    Finding a Harpy Eagle: An Adventurous Excursion

    Harpy Eagles live in the mature lowland rainforests of Central and South America. They prefer large areas of expansive, intact forest, especially when it comes to nesting. Despite having a huge wingspan of 2 meters, Harpy Eagles do not soar above the forest canopy; they are truly a bird of deep forest. They can stay…

  • Backyard Birding in Panama City

    Backyard Birding in Panama City

    Backyard birding has been popular for ages, and is not a hobby that has come about because of the “new normal.” However, given the current situation, many of us are still restricted to staying at home and are unable to get out and go birding. But we can observe birds from our windows, balconies, or…