WHitehawk Birding blog

Welcome to the Whitehawk Birding Blog! Here we share fun birding and nature facts and news in posts that we hope you find of interest. We hope you enjoy!

  • Bird Migration in Panama

    Bird Migration in Panama

    The Isthmus of Panama is a land bridge that connects North America to South America. Historically, it was the key location of the Great Faunal Interchange, where large land mammals crossed freely between the two continents. Today, it still remains one of the greatest places on Earth to experience the spectacle of migration year after…

  • Live Wildlife Webcams

    Live Wildlife Webcams

    We have the benefit of living in an age of ever-innovating technology. For all of us nature lovers, there are now many ways to bring the outdoors, along with the enjoyment it brings, into our homes. While nothing is really the same as being in the great outdoors, one of the ways we can enjoy…

  • Our Guide to Ornitherapy – Getting Started

    Our Guide to Ornitherapy – Getting Started

    Though still not a common term, you may have heard it floating around in your birding circles or on social media. If you have heard of it, you might be wondering “What is ornitherapy?” And, “How can I practice it?” Simply put, Ornitherapy is the practice of observing birds to calm the mind, to ground…

  • Top 10 Birding Sites in Central America

    Top 10 Birding Sites in Central America

    Central America, from the southern border of Mexico to the infamous Darien Gap of Panama, is a true birder’s paradise. These tropical countries have much to boast about. Endemic species, important bird areas, dozens of different ecosystems and accessible birding destinations abound. Travel here is relatively effortless. There is easy access to national parks and…

  • Notes from Bhutan: Pre-tour visit highlights

    Notes from Bhutan: Pre-tour visit highlights

    Druk Yul, otherwise known as Bhutan, is Whitehawk’s newest travel destination. Whitehawk’s first tour to Bhutan is scheduled for April 2020. So Yeray and I traveled there in December to finalize all the details for the upcoming trip. Following the same itinerary as the group will in April, our journey officially started in Guwahati, India.…

  • A Neotropical Birding Mecca: Pipeline Road Panama

    A Neotropical Birding Mecca: Pipeline Road Panama

    For any birder who has a keen interest in Neotropical birds, Pipeline Road is a must! It is located just 30 minutes from the “hub of the Americas,” Panama City. Pipeline Road traverses through a large stretch of lowland rainforest in Soberania National Park. For decades and to this day, Pipeline Road is one the…

  • Panama Birds & Butterflies: A New Nature Tour

    Panama Birds & Butterflies: A New Nature Tour

    It goes without saying that birds are what brought us together here at Whitehawk. From our individual backgrounds as bird enthusiasts, educators and field biologists, we all met because of birds. We worked together on various bird conservation projects in Central America long before Whitehawk was formed. Though we were all originally drawn to birds…

  • Top 10 Birds of Panama

    Top 10 Birds of Panama

    Panama, as you probably know from us by now, is a birding paradise. We couldn’t have chosen a better place to make our home, and this small Central American country thrives with its incredible natural assets. Over 1000 species of birds have been recorded here, owing to Panama’s varied habitats, elevational reaches, tropical climate and…

  • Our Newest Destination: BHUTAN

    Our Newest Destination: BHUTAN

    Asia’s big up-and-coming birding destination is the land-locked country of Bhutan. Bhutan appeals to us for several reasons. The small country is home to over 600 species of birds. Some of these are more easily found here than anywhere else in the world. This is the case of the striking and rare Rufous-necked Hornbill, Beautiful…