WHitehawk Birding blog
Welcome to the Whitehawk Birding Blog! Here we share fun birding and nature facts and news in posts that we hope you find of interest. We hope you enjoy!
Bird in Focus: Red-legged Seriema
Why Red-legged Seriemas Scanning the plains of the Pantanal, Brazil, you spot movement through the grass. Your breath catches – something is making its way into a clearing, but you can’t quite tell what it is. You begin to catch glimpses of it as it makes its way forward – a feathered back here, an…
Bird in Focus: Harpy Eagle
Why Harpy Eagles We could think of no better bird to start off our monthly “Bird in Focus” blog series than the Harpy Eagle. Not only is it the National Bird of Panama, where our headquarters are located. But, nearly of all our team members have worked on The Peregrine Fund’s Harpy Eagle conservation project…
Notes from Tasmania: Scouting Trip
New Zealand and Australia are relatively new destinations for Whitehawk. In November 2024 we finished up our first nearly 3-week tour that included stops in both of these amazing countries. While I was there, I wanted to do some scouting of other areas in the region to best offer our clients the best birding and…
Top 10 Ways to Stay Connected with Nature while Remaining Indoors
At times, it might be difficult for us to find the time or the resources to stay connected with nature or to get outdoors. Maybe you are working long hours, facing inclement weather, healing from an illness, caring for a loved one, or due to recent events with COVID-19, forced inside for your safety and…
Birds of the West Indies – A review
The Caribbean has always been a source of fascination. Some might imagine it as the last pirate’s paradise. Others picture white sand beaches, palm trees overflowing with coconuts, turquoise waters and lush vegetation. We also associate the islands touched by this sea with the rediscovery of the New World. And, unfortunately, its exploitation and submission…
The Treasure of the West Indies: Hummingbirds of the Caribbean
Hummingbirds are unique to the Americas. We can find them throughout the region in a number of different habitats and elevations. The Caribbean is no exception. The hummingbirds of the Caribbean dazzle us with their beautiful iridescent colors and intriguing behaviors. The islands of the West Indies are home to some unique and lovely species…
Fascinating Owls and our Central American Top 10
It is true that owls are one of the most eye-catching and unique birds around. In all our work doing environmental education in different countries and with different cultures around the world, it is clear that some animals just get a bad rap. Sadly, some of the most vilified animals are the owls. Many cultures…
Most Amazing Birds: Bird World Records
Birds are some of nature’s most marvelous creatures. They are the only animals that sport feathers. These, along with having hollow bones and other special skeletal features, give them the ability to fly. Feathers also have many other important uses, such as thermoregulation and elaborate displays. Birds are, essentially, living dinosaurs. It’s no surprise that…
Bee Hummingbird, the Smallest Hummingbird in the World
We are reminiscing a lot these days about past trips and amazing experiences we have had over the past several years. Cuba is one destination that is always high on our list of most memorable trips. Everyone who has joined us in Cuba has had an incredible experience. We were able to observe a staggering…