Author: Marta Curti
Bird in Focus: Harpy Eagle
Why Harpy Eagles We could think of no better bird to start off our monthly “Bird in Focus” blog series than the Harpy Eagle. Not only is it the National Bird of Panama, where our headquarters are located. But, nearly of all our team members have worked on The Peregrine Fund’s Harpy Eagle conservation project…
Notes from Tasmania: Scouting Trip
New Zealand and Australia are relatively new destinations for Whitehawk. In November 2024 we finished up our first nearly 3-week tour that included stops in both of these amazing countries. While I was there, I wanted to do some scouting of other areas in the region to best offer our clients the best birding and…
Top 10 Reasons to Visit Belize
Have you ever wanted to visit Belize? This relatively small country located in the heart of Central America, is nestled between Mexico to the north, Guatemala to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east. It has so much to offer birders and nature lovers in general. Here is our list, in no particular…
Top 10 Reasons to Visit India
There are SO many reasons to visit India, it is very hard to come up with only 10! Whitehawk made its first trip to India in 2014 in search of the elusive Snow Leopard. Our trip was a roaring success and our group was able to see not one but two Snow Leopards in a…